Sharing Our Success Stories

Determination today is equal to success tomorrow. Few of our students have proved this to us, by dedicatedly working on their dreams to finally reach their goals. After hours of trial and sheer grit , Rajesh kumar Selvanayagam of grade seven has finally succeeded in creating a working model of a candy vending machine. Let's watch his success story. Saheed Siraj of grade six has prototyped an anti theft wallet, which when touched by anyone, other than the owner , will emit out light and beep loudly to indicate theft. Dipesh Prakash of grade five has created a new scratch programmed game, that works with the help of Makey Makey. According to him, games are loved by people of all age groups, hence he decided to make a fun game for all to enjoy. The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old but on building the new. Our students are further working towards enhancing their prototype models, to make it more advanced and more user...