Our Glowing World

“You have to find what sparks a light in you, so that you, in your own way, can illuminate the world.” - Oprah Winfrey.

Keeping this inspirational quote  in mind, the students of Grade 2 used their tinkering skills to light up and create a glowing world around them.

Learning is not restricted to any single channel, the students incorporated a variety of cross curricular learning through this activity. Initially, they  were encouraged to  research various animals and plants that have the characteristics to glow naturally. Science surely makes this possible, so with the help of paper circuits the students created their glowing world. They also linked their creation with the various tense verbs they learnt during their English classes. Students were also fascinated learning the origami technique of making fireflies. 

After days of  rigorous hard work and determination, these students were finally able to make their world glow. Let’s take a closer look at the reviews from the students and the teacher herself through the following videos to get a better idea about the activity.

Students' Review

Teacher's Review


  1. Very cool!! Thank you Ms.Shaista you have presented it very well!!!


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